Can you feel that? That slight chill on the morning air? The slightly less stifling heat is finally making it’s way in and we are only a few weeks out from that glorious season known as fall. Before the change is in full swing, take a few hours to check out your fence and make sure it’s ready for the colder months. (more…)
Tips for Choosing the Right Residential Fence for Your Dog
Dog fences are a type of perimeter fence designed to keep dogs within a certain safe area of their property. Dog fences can be used to keep your dog in, other dogs out, or keep people away from pedigree and guard dogs. All of these are considerations, and the type of perimeter fence used should reflect these considerations and more. Here are some more important things to take into consideration when considering installing a dog fence for the benefit of your furry friend. (more…)
Protect Your Residential Fence with Proper Limb Trimming
Keeping an eye on those tree limbs, and knowing how to properly remove them, will really extend the life of your fence.
You made a large investment in your family’s security and home value when you installed a residential fence, but are you doing everything that you can to protect your investment? It’s always tempting to take on landscaping and maintenance projects on your own or with your son’s help, but unskilled lackadaisical tree limb trimming can be bad news for your residential fence. Here are some ways to ensure that you or your professional contractor is trimming limbs properly. (more…)
Fences for Windy Areas
If you live in a windy area and are worried about how it will affect your fence, chain link is your best choice.
When choosing the perfect fence to accent your home, complement your landscaping, and protect your house, it’s important to take into account the weather conditions where your home is located. If you live in a windy area or a place prone to hurricanes and severe weather events passing through, your fence design should allow air to flow through spaces in the fence while still providing some privacy. Here are some beautiful fence designs that are optimal for windy areas. (more…)
Do If For the Kids: Child Safe Fences and Gates
If you have children, or plan on having children and are getting ready to install a new fence at your home, there are some things you should consider. Kids are naturally curious and like to wander, so making sure they don’t escape the yard unattended is a big job. Checking an old fence to make sure it’s safe or knowing what to look for in a new fence will help make your yard a safe place to play. Here are a few things to look for when determining if your fence is up to the job. (more…)
How Close is Too Close? Planting Near Your Fence
Planting a garden near your fence can make for a comfortable and beautiful arrangement, but there are a few things to consider. Read our tips for planting near a fence before you start digging and planting. Keeping these tips in mind will help you make the most out of your new garden. (more…)
Tips for Replacing a Fence Gate
Is your fence gate sagging and dragging through the grass? Did you notice your latches or hinges aren’t holding up while performing seasonal maintenance? Gates that aren’t properly attached to their hinge and latch posts aren’t much use to you (and aren’t much of an obstacle to trespassers). Your gate posts should stand up to countless swings and slams. When they turn loose and creaky, it’s time to repair. Here are tips to help you replace your gate and restore your fence’s usefulness. Don’t feel like going at it alone? Hercules Fence is happy to fix or install your gate before it’s too late. (more…)
High Security Ornamental Fence: The Best of Both Worlds
You’ve decided that you want to increase your property value and protect your home by installing a fence, but what material should you use? While there are many options that will all do the job, high security ornamental fences offer the winning combination of beauty and security. (more…)
Best Privacy Fence to Fend Off Nosey Neighbors
Nice weather means more time spent outdoors for you and your family. Enjoying your backyard with loved ones, hanging out by the pool, and perfecting the art of barbecue. But uninvited guests can become a real disturbance, especially when they live next door. Luckily, you can count on the knowledgeable people at Hercules Fence to help you plan out and install the perfect privacy fence for your home. (more…)
Summertime Fence Maintenance
Maintaining your fence may not be the most enjoyable or obvious task on your list of weekend yard work, but it may be the most important to making sure your investment lasts as long as it should. Different seasons offer different challenges to fence maintenance, and the summer is no exception. Humidity, lawn debris and sudden storms are just a few challenges facing your fence, but proper inspection and maintenance can help your fence last another challenging season. (more…)