K4 Rated Slide Gate with Gate Operator System..
It is always important to make property security a top priority. To improve the security of your commercial property, Hercules Fence recommends choosing the right anti-terrorism crash barrier.
This article will explain the purpose of anti-terrorism crash barriers and how to choose the right one for your commercial needs.
What will make a suitable barrier for your property?
The answer depends on the level of anti terrorism functionality, decoration flexibility you will need and how much you’re willing to spend to set up the security protection.
The general purpose of anti-terrorism crash barriers is to protect your facility from blast standoffs such as bombs by keeping vehicular crash at a distance from your commercial vulnerable areas.
The strength of the crash barriers will be based on the weights of vehicles that could potentially crash into the barriers as well as the maximum speed they could go.
The best anti-terrorism crash barriers are the ones that are highly effective, simplistic in design and flexible enough to accommodate a variety of commercial environment security needs.
There are two kinds of crash barriers – stationary barriers and operable barriers.
Stationary barriers are built into the ground to provide security protection. Examples of stationary barriers are bollards and posts made to resist large vehicle impact loads.
Operable barriers are designed for mobility in case authorized vehicles need access to otherwise restricted areas. Beam barricades and wedge barriers are examples of operable barriers.
Other commonly used anti-terrorism barriers are:
- Jersey Barriers and Retaining Walls used to protect commercial properties from low speed, low rating applications.
- Planters for to protect soil and plants from crash impact.
- High Security fence to protect the property from crashes and explosive blasts.
Hercules Fence offers crash rated barriers (crash tested and certified by creditable agencies such as DOS and DOD) to design an effective security plan against active and passive vehicles.
Hercules Fence will layout an access control plan based on the threat and vulnerability assessments of vehicle types, sizes and weights your commercial needs protection against.
Hercules Fence has the following crash tested products/ crash rated barriers:
- Slide Gates
- Pop-up Barriers
- Life Arm Gates
- Bollard Systems
Check out Hercules Fence’s Crash Rated Barriers today.
We are prepared to design the perfect high security system for your specific commercial needs.
If you have any questions or need commercial fence installments, contact Hercules Fence by calling (800) TU FENCE or click here today!
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Hercules Fence offers commercial fences, residential fences, custom iron fencing, GSA Schedule and . Offices in Baltimore, Maryland, Richmond, Virginia Beach, Newport News, Northern Virginia, Raleigh, North Carolina, and Washington DC.
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